Board Meeting - 26 Feb 2020
Attendees: Jacob Lesser, Seth Vincent, Ranek Kiil, Kate von Krusensteirn, Debbie Bull
Location: The Bounty
Time: 6:00pm
- Board roles
- Orientation to the board
- Transfer accounts to treasurer
- Get debit card
- Setup auto payments for AWS / meetup / other services
- Taxes / File 990
- Discuss process for setting up meetings more than 1 in advance
- Discuss Fall Fling
- Create annual report to OSGeo?
- Review Bylaws and make changes as necessary
- Update meeting minutes / IRS Annual Reports / Financial reports on Cugos website
- Other business
Board roles
The board members agreed to serve in the following roles
- Jacob Lesser - President
- Kate von Krusensteirn - Vice President
- Seth Vincent - Secretary
- Ranek Kiil - Treasurer
- MOTION Jacob makes a motion to appoint the board members to the proceeding roles, Kate seconded, passed unanimously
Action items
- Ariel will get Seth signed up to various CUGOS SAAS accounts - Seth
- Board will review ByLaws and discuss any potential changes at next meeting
- We will get debit card and setup auto payments for SAAS (Meetup, Quickbooks, AWS) - Jacob, Ryan Small, Ranek
- We will update forward for
- Setup a bot for auto signing people up for Slack / Google Group - Ranek [Done]
- File 990 - Kate, Jacobb [Done]
- Look into setting up more meetings in advance on GitHub - Seth ** We will need to change ByLaws to allow meetings to be posted more than 50 days
- Generate an annual report for OSGEO - Debbie, Jacob
- Publish a financial report. We will organize an annual business meeting - Jacob
- Post past meeting minutes to website - Jacob, Ariel, Debbie
- Add new board members to Github as admins - Jacob
- Send meeting reminders on Monday the second. -Jacob
- Create a new meeting in GitHub - Seth
- Deb will share [contacts] email address. She holds the key to our new meeting space. We need to get the key by 345 on Wednesday. [contact] can also get us a wifi code.
Discussion points
- Discussion about having theme nights at cugos, like Python night, etc. Members can drive those themes if they are interested in running with it.
- Potentially add women in GIS and other groups to website in Calendar app
- Ranek points out that three people are required to be on the bank account