Board Meeting - 07 Feb 2018

Attendees: Ryan Small, Debbie Bull, Andrew Powers, Jacob Lesser
Location: Cafe Allegro
Time: 5:30pm


  • Board roles
  • Pre-scheduling meetings farther in advance
  • Spring Fling
  • Taxes
  • Goals for 2018

Board roles

The board members agreed to serve in the following roles

  • Debbie Bull - President
  • Andrew Powers - Vice President
  • Jacob Lesser - Secretary
  • Ryan Small - Treasurer
  • MOTION Ryan makes a motion to appoint the board members to the proceeding roles, Andrew seconded, passed unanimously

Pre-scheduling meetings

We will setup all meetings for the year on in advance except for August, when CUGOS has traditionally not met due to low Summer turn-out. We will continue to post meeting adgendas on the CUGOS website.

Spring Fling

We are not planning to hold a Spring Fling this year. We will promote the UW Hack Weekend instead. If a CUGOS member would like to take on responsibilities of hosting and planning a Spring Fling, the board would be supportive.


CUGOS will Start a quickbooks online account and transfer the current Quickbooks data from Aaron’s Quickbooks to the CUGOS online account.

  • MOTION Ryan makes a motion to purchase a quickbooks online subscription. Andrew seconded, passed unanimously.

Goals for 2018

Goals for 2018 are to focus on and promote our monthly meetings. We will also support outside geospatial events like UW Hack Week and Maptime.

Additional activities

CUGOS will organize an outing to Pony to support CUGOS member Jason, whom serves as DJ.

Action Items

  • Andrew will check on our room reservations
  • Debbie will checkin with Christy to setup Meetup - Completed 2/7/2017
  • Ryan will send Christy money for Meetup
  • Board will cordinate setting up a Meetup page and pre-scheduling the meetings
  • Board will send email to CUGOS mailing list to alert about Meetup page
  • Jacob will publish minutes - Completed 2/21/2017
  • Ryan will take over Quickbooks from Aaron - Completed 2/21/2017
  • Ryan will do Taxes with Aaron

Code of Conduct

CUGOS strives to be an inclusive community for anyone interested in open source geography. Before attending our meetings, please familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct.


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