Emilio Mayorga will follow up on his March meeting presentation to drill into the use of the Python HoloViz stack to create online dashboards (including this one) for multi-faceted exploration of data from autonomous, depth-profiling platforms in the ocean. The Argo program is the best example of this data type.
Doug Beyerlein will describe his project PublicStairs.com, a website dedicated to the discovery and documentation of major outdoor public stairways anywhere in the world. Doug is seeking technical assistance to help revive his website maps, which were lost when the CommunityWalk platform folded in 2021.
Anyone is invited to share (their own or news about any interesting) small or large geospatial projects. As always any geo-questions are encouraged and will gladly be discussed within the group.
@you Introduce yourself! Or re-introduce yourself! Please tell us about something cool you are working on, playing with, or otherwise inspires or puzzles you. Add yourself here. or reach out to us hello@cugos.org
about some other cool open source and/or geo-related meetups in the area:
OpenStreetMap Seattle Puget Sound QGIS Users Seattle Postgres Users Maptime Seattle