We will de discussing plans for our two day Spring Fling (mini conference) event on April 21-22 2023, and plan ahead for our next meetings. The evolving event web page is at https://cugos.org/2023-spring-fling/.
Our Call for Presentations for the Spring Fling is open until March 10. Please feel free to pass on to anyone you know who might want to give a talk!
Anyone is invited to share (their own or news about any interesting) small or large geospatial projects. As always any geo-questions are encouraged and will gladly be discussed within the group.
@you Introduce yourself! Or re-introduce yourself! Please tell us about something cool you are working on, playing with, or otherwise inspires or puzzles you. Add yourself here. or reach out to us hello@cugos.org
about some other cool open source and/or geo-related meetups in the area:
OpenStreetMap Seattle
Puget Sound QGIS Users
Seattle Postgres Users
Maptime Seattle