__Location - ClipCard (formerly OneOcean), 2201 Sixth Avenue Suite 1102 Seattle, WA 98121 USA __
If the front doors are locked, call Ryan Small @ 206-395-5541 .
Loose agenda:
- @aaronr will bring special guest Claire Hofius who has been doing a short internship to process and publish local (Langley WA) geo-data to GitHub as GeoJSON.
Everyone (@cugos) - Let’s talk about FOSS4G 2014 in PDX and how we can help and what presentations people might do
- @githubuser description to come…
- @cliffordsnow Importing the rest of King County Addresses into OSM using HOTs Tasking Manager. With a short demo.
- @pkeum - Talk about potential idea of CUGOS presence (group workshop/presentations) at WAURISA conf may 12-14, 2014
- Brian Dorsey and Benson Kalahar - They will talk to us about experience of using RC planes and quadcopters and generating mapping data.
- @svmatthews wants to show some crazy CSS3 animations in respect to the potential CUGOS branding exercise.
- Paul and @pkeum briefly talk about adding geojson as additional format to KC Data portal
- @githubuser description to come…
Meeting Notes: