Meeting Info

Date & time
20 Feb 2013, 6:00pm

Lizard Tech

1008 Western Avenue Suite

47.604096, -122.336667

Really looking forward to seeing everyone on Feb 20th at 6pm

Loose agenda:

  • @aaronr will talk about how this website was made over the last week… Jekyll, BootStrap, GitPages, etc
  • @thebigspoon and @keum will talk about OSM + TileMill + TileStream + Leatlet = Offline map for emergency. Use case is a wastewater facility viewer that Greg and Peter have been working on.
  • @mrosen will talk about how his trip to central america and the GPS traces he came back with!
  • @aaronr will talk about gathering proposals for FOSS4G-NA by this Friday. ProjFinder proposal is done, but we could use more.
  • @aaronr would like to talk about process to elect new officers for CUGOS in the next 3-4 months.

Possible but not confirmed:

  • @xxx iOS Go Map!! tool for OSM Editing
  • @aaronr might break out some geo-farts (you heard me…)

Next meeting: 03/20/2013   All meetings