A conference for open-source geospatial people who need to talk.
Seating is NOT limited — Register Anyway!
The CUGOS Fall Fling is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of all things open-source geospatial. If you care about geometry busting workflows, academic research brain dumps, parsing vertices while drinking beer, code as well as content, usability as well as design, then show up and eat free pizza. Join us for this special all-day-kinda event at the magical University of Washington Seattle Campus in place of our regular monthly meeting. BOOYA!
The 2013 Fall Fling will be held at UW Anderson Hall. We didn't need to arrange special room rates for attendees because you can't sleep there. Full Details
There is NO on-site registration or badge pick-up. Just pop over to the Eventbrite page to register so we get a headcount on food. And show up fully clothed on the day of the event.
Leave the brown bag at home! Thanks to our sponsors you will be eating a free lunch with free drinks. It's a free event so don't expect too much.
and Coffee
Thou shalt love GDAL. Thou shalt hug QGIS. Love thy Python scripts as thyself. And more!
Talk Slides Here -
Keynote -- Replacing ArcGIS Server with NodeJS and PostGIS
How I’m using Node.js to create a lightweight API on top of PostGIS for Feature Services, GeoProcessing workflows and TopoJSON support. TileStream and TileMill make for easy map caching and a tile server, and a generic map print service that works! Bundled together with glue and javascript, this combination provides a low-cost alternative to ArcGIS Server.
Talk Slides Here (link)
Talk Slides Here (PDF)
Touring the GINA Zoo -- Big Data, Web Apps, Lions
Mr Fisher is coming all the way from Alaska to demonstrate GINA workflows. Yeah!
Talk Slides Here -
Big Data Worship -- Aerial Structure from Motion Surveys and Antarctica/Greenland DEMs
Mr Shean does fascinating research and has pretty data to go with it based on his September CUGOS teaser!
Talk Slides Here (PDF) -
Geoserver Shell -- Manage GeoServer using a CLI
Jared builds great tools. Some of the things Jared has built: GeoScript Groovy Bindings, GeoScript Scala Bindings, Geometry Commands
Talk Slides Here -
Coffee Break
WebGIS for Decision Support -- Problem Solving with OpenSource GIS
Karsten will give a tale of personal experience about how he has been using open-source components to build web maps that help to solve real-world problems. Examples include invasive weed management & prioritization in California ( Whippet ), a commercial system for automatic web based image processing and map delivery ( GeoSpatial Partners ) , and VFS Viewer - an information system for privately owned forest areas in the State of Bavaria, Germany.
Talk Slides Here -
Empower ENGINE
Make powerful data visualization accessible to progressives up and down the ballot!
Talk Slides Here -
Easy Maps with GitHub and GitHub Pages
GitHub is not only a source code repository... it is an amazing hosting service as well. We will take a quick look at how GitHub can be leveraged to display data in your repositories, how services like geojson.io can link to your GitHub data, and how you can leverage GitHub Pages to make websites with maps... all for free.
Talk Slides Here
Lunch + OpenSource GIS Doctor's Office
Stop by the Doctor's Office while gorging on pizza. This is perfect place to get answers to the questions you've been burning to ask. How do i setup Git, Qgis, PostGIS on my laptop so i can follow along in the HowTo sessions? What is the best OpenSource tool for my specific problem? What types of Desktop OpenSource GIS tools are there? How do I do everything with open-source tools that i once did with ArcGIS tools? I want to download OSM data, edit it and push changes back -- what tech do I use? Is Leaflet or OpenLayers a better client-side library? Show me how to write the TileMill carto styling language! What is MapBox and how can i make a webmap in 15 minutes...let's do it!
paxdb: Graph Queries via Leaflet Map
I will present the young open source graph data system paxdb and demonstrate graph queries using a Leaflet map as the interface.
Talk Slides Here -
Why D3 is great and how you can get a map running on your website quickly and efficiently.
Talk Slides Here
... and HereMore info on D3
Sams bl.ocks -
Raster Edge Detection
Hear how a few small changes to popular edge detection algorithms give you the power to detect human made features in satellite imagery.
Talk Slides Here -
Data Visualization of Urban Systems with GeoServer & Google Earth - Decisions for DRiVE
Luis will talk about how DRiVE leverages the Earth platform to provide decision makers with unique 3D-Visuals in the context of urban systems. With the inclusion of open source tools, DRiVE now scaled to deliver a product for anyone interested in their next move.
Talk Slides Here (PDF) -
See how you can use this Python tile server to render TopoJSON tiles and animated cat GIFs.
Talk Slides Here
Learn How to Edit OpenStreetMap to Add Your Favorite Hangout
Get a jump on the Fall editathon on October 19th by learning how to use JOSM for some good-ole armchair mapping!
Talk Slides Here -
The Python GDAL/OGR Cookbook Sessions
Learn how to use the Python GDAL/OGR API with code snippets from this awesome cookbook. The web site is a project at GitHub and served by Github Pages. If you find missing recipes or mistakes in existing recipes please add an issue to the issue tracker.
Talk Slides Here
Cookbook Link Here
The Venue

Anderson Hall (Forest Club room 207) has a nice cozy armchair-academic feel. There's even a dead animal's head mounted on the wall!
Centrally located within the UW campus parking can be found in adjacent or nearby lots. Also here's some driving directions
The CUGOS Fall Fling is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of all things open-source geospatial. If you care about geometry busting workflows, academic research brain dumps, parsing vertices while drinking beer, code as well as content, usability as well as design, then show up and eat free pizza. Join us for this special all-day-kinda event at the magical University of Washington Seattle Campus in place of our regular monthly meeting. BOOYA!
Our Sponsor Pitch!
Sponsorship funds go help reduce the cost of the event, including food and drinks for the participants, and to fund the activities of the CUGOS organization throughout the year. We are offering two sponsorship levels: Silver ($100) and Gold ($200). Sponsors will get their logos displayed on this wiki page and at the event, with the Gold sponsors' names/logos being somewhat more prominent. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact aaronr@z-pulley.com