The CUGOS Spring Fling is a full day event centered around open source geo. This is an intensely educational learning session for passionate practitioners of all things open-source geospatial. If you care about geometry busting workflows, brain dumping academic research, parsing vertices while flying drones, code as well as content, usability through design, then show up and eat free pizza. Join us for this special all-day-kinda event at the magical University of Washington in Seattle. BOOYA!
#UW Wifi #NetID: event0521 #Password: 5Z9J/4K4G/2F2B
8:30 AM | Doors Open
Sign in, build a nametag, drink coffee, eat donuts, mingle
9:00 AM | Kickoff
We open the geo-floodgates.
9:15 AM | Longer Talks
25-minute talks that go further
Open Data at Scale
Mark will talk about recent open data initiatives at AWS. He will show us how to plug Mapserver/GDAL or Geoserver into TBs of data on S3 and run auto scaling group of WMTS servers. We might even get to hear about a project with Mapzen to host OSM vector tiles on S3, another open-data project.
Mapping for Health: Opportunities and Obstacles in Open Source
In the developing world, physical access to health care can be the number one factor in the utilization of services, and consequently, the health of a population. At Broad Street Maps, we believe that where you live shouldn't determine if you live. Anna and Isabel will give a brief overview...
How can open data save the world?
Seth will outline the challenges and opportunities inherent in a world where open data is everywhere. He will also show off tools and approaches that allow us to participate in addressing and taking advantage of these, ultimately helping to make the world a better place. Concrete examples will include HOT, the Raspberry Pi, and the Washington Trails Association.
Harnessing Drone Enthusiasm for Citizen Science Initiatives
Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles (UAV) or drones are becoming increasingly accessible to the general public for recreational purposes due to their diminishing costs and improved ease of use. Additionally, there is great enthusiasm and excitement around fly drones primarily for aerial cinematography...
11:15 AM | Lightning Talks
10-minute talks that electrify
SnapSat removes barriers of entry for LandSat imagery. Select a data, a scene, customize your bands and preview all within the web browser. With a few more clicks, you've got rocking raster data.
A Brief History of GIS Data Dissemination at Pierce County
Once upon a time Pierce County disseminated GIS data on a custom basis. The process used a lot of paper. Over the years much of the paper needed was reduced, but as of April 2015...
Tools to Import/Export OpenStreetMap Data
Eldan has made some tools to simplify hosting a copy of OpenStreetMap data for a region, keeping it up to date and exporting data as needed...
xray: N-Dimensional Labeled Raster Datasets in Python
xray is an open source Python package that brings the labeled data power of Pandas to the physical sciences and spatial analysis, by providing N-dimensional variants of...
10 hard hitting minutes of my go-to command line tips and tricks. Heavy leaning toward linux/osx. 75% getting around the CLI and making your work day more productive... and 25% geo tricks. Get ready for some "piping" good fun.
OSM for the Busy Map Enthusiast
Chase will talk about different tools used to contribute to OpenStreetMap, from easy to more advanced, and an app he made to help keep Seattle data from getting stale.
12:15 PM | Lunch!
Eat some complimentary pizza provided by our glorious sponsors.
1:00 PM | Tracks
Afternoon tracks present opportunities to work on an array of open source geo projects for all experience levels. Make sure to bring your computer.
Drop 'n Chop
Drop 'n Chop (DNC) is a browser-based GIS powered by Leaflet.js and Turf.js - and a recent hot project in the CUGOS world. This track will involve diving deep into javascript, working on data-first GIS operations, and writing better, more concise GIS language for an application.
QGIS Workshop
QGIS is the open source GIS editor that you'll come to love after this track. We will cover installation, standard operations, more advanced examples, and how to make beautiful cartographic outputs with this dynamic tool.
5:00 PM | Wrap-Up
We'll talk about what we built throughout the day. And prepare ourselves for song and drink.
6:00 PM | Happy Hour!
Let's celebrate an invigorating day with food and drink in Seattle's historic U-District
Gold Sponsors

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Bronze Sponsors

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