Board Meeting - 26 Feb 2020

Attendees: Jacob Lesser, Seth Vincent, Ranek Kiil, Kate von Krusensteirn, Debbie Bull
Location: The Bounty
Time: 6:00pm


  • Board roles
  • Orientation to the board
  • Transfer accounts to treasurer
  • Get debit card
  • Setup auto payments for AWS / meetup / other services
  • Taxes / File 990
  • Discuss process for setting up meetings more than 1 in advance
  • Discuss Fall Fling
  • Create annual report to OSGeo?
  • Review Bylaws and make changes as necessary
  • Update meeting minutes / IRS Annual Reports / Financial reports on Cugos website
  • Other business

Board roles

The board members agreed to serve in the following roles

  • Jacob Lesser - President
  • Kate von Krusensteirn - Vice President
  • Seth Vincent - Secretary
  • Ranek Kiil - Treasurer
  • MOTION Jacob makes a motion to appoint the board members to the proceeding roles, Kate seconded, passed unanimously

Action items

  • Ariel will get Seth signed up to various CUGOS SAAS accounts - Seth
  • Board will review ByLaws and discuss any potential changes at next meeting
  • We will get debit card and setup auto payments for SAAS (Meetup, Quickbooks, AWS) - Jacob, Ryan Small, Ranek
  • We will update forward for
  • Setup a bot for auto signing people up for Slack / Google Group - Ranek [Done]
  • File 990 - Kate, Jacobb [Done]
  • Look into setting up more meetings in advance on GitHub - Seth ** We will need to change ByLaws to allow meetings to be posted more than 50 days
  • Generate an annual report for OSGEO - Debbie, Jacob
  • Publish a financial report. We will organize an annual business meeting - Jacob
  • Post past meeting minutes to website - Jacob, Ariel, Debbie
  • Add new board members to Github as admins - Jacob
  • Send meeting reminders on Monday the second. -Jacob
  • Create a new meeting in GitHub - Seth
  • Deb will share [contacts] email address. She holds the key to our new meeting space. We need to get the key by 345 on Wednesday. [contact] can also get us a wifi code.

Discussion points

  • Discussion about having theme nights at cugos, like Python night, etc. Members can drive those themes if they are interested in running with it.
  • Potentially add women in GIS and other groups to website in Calendar app
  • Ranek points out that three people are required to be on the bank account

Code of Conduct

CUGOS strives to be an inclusive community for anyone interested in open source geography. Before attending our meetings, please familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct.


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