Meeting Info

Date & time
19 Mar 2014, 6:00pm


720 Olive Way 14th Floor, Seattle WA 98121

The main entrance is on Olive, between 7th and 8th Streets. There will be the usual signage out front. Call 206-595-2567 to be let in to the building and escorted up to the right floor.

47.614116, -122.334624

Location - ClipCard (formerly OneOcean), New office address: 14th Floor, 720 Olive Way (map)

The main entrance is on Olive, between 7th and 8th Streets. There will be the usual signage out front. Call 206-595-2567 to be let in to the building and escorted up to the right floor.

Loose agenda:

  • @aaronr will talk about recent GIS class he gave for 1-3rd graders.
  • @svmatthews will talk about connecting Wordpress and pretty maps (i.e. leaflet & mapbox)
  • @jdomingu will talk about doing fun but not very useful things with ThreeJS.
  • @cybersea and @sudobangbang present the Marine Vegetation Atlas project, which is a lot of JavaScript wizardry from sudobangbang and mkenny, and not really open source, but we were invited and we like pizza. (And it’s a pretty cool project, nonetheless).
  • @cliffordsnow OSM Seattle update
  • @mpgerlek Clipcard update!
  • @powersa takes revenge on daylight savings by making a map of daylight over time
  • @pkeum Brief showing of realtime data display using GitHub
  • @mrosen will provide a few updates from the ESRI Dev Summit last week including (in case he forgets) including how they use GitHub, who the Key note speaker was and something about GDAL.
  • Everyone (@cugos) - Let’s talk about FOSS4G 2014 in PDX and WAURISA


Meeting Notes:

30+ strong! Thanks for the free pizza from ClipCard!

Room with a view


  • @cybersea and @sudobangbang - Washington Marine Vegetation Atlas - DNR - ESRI database + Javascript. Step forward for DNR. Marine vegetation provides important habitat. Cool demo. Lots of cool lessons learned about the hard times using some of the ESRI cloud solutions. In order to get around many of the shortfalls forced to push much of the business logic to the client. Leads to some slow behavior.

  • @cliffordsnow - Mapping party NE branch of Seattle library on Saturday 1pm!!! Agenda will be to go out and map, discuss where the next one will be, and talk about gender diversity, and talk about addressing. Ukraine issues are being discussed. Wait until June 1st to change the map. OSM is da bomb. Notes - People are adding lots of notes in the different parts of Seattle… go check them out. Craigslist is adding notes… very cool.

  • @mpgerlek - MPG takes the 5th. Will give ClipCard update next month… or provide pizza!

  • @powersa - Length of the day change. Looking to show how much daylight is available at distributed points around the globe at any give time of the year. Working with D3 and showed some examples of output “so far” at

  • @pkeum - KC CSO realtime data viewer. CSO (combined sewer overflow). Sewer + Storm water.
  • @mrosen - ESRI Dev Summit. Github founder was Keynote.

Beers at Hurricane after

Big Buck

Next meeting: 04/16/2014   Previous meeting: 02/19/2014 All meetings