The CUGOS Spring Fling is a full day event centered around open source geo. This is an intensely educational session for practitioners of all things open-source geospatial. If you care about geometry busting workflows, brain dumping academic research, parsing vertices while flying drones, code as well as content, usability through design, then show up and eat free food! Join us for this special all-day-kinda event at the magical University of Washington in Seattle.
Our number one goal is to make the Spring Fling a welcoming event for everybody. Please take a moment to read over the CUGOS code of conduct.
Location: The fling will be hosted at the University of Washington, Forest Club Room 207 in Anderson Hall. It’s the room with the elk in it. [campus map]
Schedule: The first half of the day is a combination of 20 minute talks and lightening talks. The afternoon will have a number of workshops for beginner and advanced users.
Transportation & Parking: Parking on campus is limited. Check out the UW parking page for more information. Check out the newly opened light rail station just south of Anderson Hall at Huskey stadium - a perfect way to get to campus from downtown.
Contact: Send us a message to get in touch. Hit us up on twitter @cugosorg!
8:15 AM - Doors Open
Sign in, build a nametag, drink coffee, eat donuts, mingle
9:00 AM - Kickoff
We open the geo-floodgates.
9:15 AM - Keynote
Geo Goodness
Dane Springmeyer
Open Source at Mapbox
Mapbox is built on open source software and collaboration. Dane will recap the history of open development at Mapbox, share stories of how it has shaped our team and culture, and present challenges they face as open source goes mainstream and Mapbox grows
9:45 AM - Main Program Talks (20 min each)
Main speaker program

Caileigh Shoot
Techniques for Mapping Crop Health with Drones
The evolution of advanced sensors and UAV technology is transforming how farmers can manage their crop health and maximize their yields. Micasense will provide a summary of the aircraft systems being used worldwide, and overview how multispectral data is collected and processed to provide valuable temporal data and crop health maps to growers

Sarah Battersby
Doing Spatial Binning Right in a Projected World
Spatial binning, like hexbin maps, is a great way to aggregate dense datasets. However, non-equal area map projections present an interesting challenge, particularly for web maps using Web Mercator (which is what just about every tile map server is going to give you). In this presentation I discuss a method for identifying “safe zones” to minimize binning problems in Web Mercator. Don’t let bad hexbins happen to your good data

Marcus Collins
Analyzing Geospatial Patterns Derived from Mobile Ad Bid Data
A variety of new technologies related to health, city planning, and commerce, etc. rely on human location data from large swaths of the population. A tempting source is location data sent from mobile phones when in-app or mobile web advertising space on the device is sent to ad exchanges for bidding. These "bid-call" locations have significant limitations. I will examine how geospatial patterns reveal these limitations in this presentation
Seth Fitzsimmons
Stamen Design
Nick Hallahan
POSM Goes to Ecuador
The American Red Cross invited OpenStreetMap, OpenMapKit, and Field Papers on a mapping expedition to Ecuador. We chaperoned. This is what transpired. Now filming, 'POSM Goes to West Africa'
Britta Ricker
Motivations, practices, and politics of open data in Cape Town, South Africa
While acting as the World Design Capital in 2014, Cape Town published its first open data sets online. A number of Non-Governmental Organizations are acting as advocates and activists with code exchanges for tracking civic issues and data journalism sprints, while other organizations have been making strides to use open data as a participatory realization of open government. In Cape Town, inclusive hackathons are called “Easter Egg Hunts” and are held while the public helps with open data collection through participatory mapping in informal settings. These and other exciting examples of open data in a developing world context will be shared
12:00 PM - Lunch
All you can eat pizza!
1:00 PM - Lightning Talks (10 min each)
Wake me up after pizza
Clifford Snow
SOTM-US is coming to Seattle this year. Help!
Daniel Baah
Sarah Bindman
SpatialDev worked with the Cadasta Foundation to create an Open Source land recording system for tracking informal land rights for some of the most vulernable populations. This talk will walk through some of the details involved in creating this newly launched platform.

Evan Derickson
QGIS Shortcuts to ArcGIS Cartographic Hacks
Covers improvements QGIS had made on the common cartographic workflow: hillshades that don't muddy map colors, coastal vignettes made in seconds, non-overlapping polygon borders, and rapid figure-ground masking, all without models, scripts, or modifying any source data
Julie Goldberg
Categorizing Districts in the Browser Thanks to Vector Tiles
I'll talk about Empower Engine's newest product, our district categorizer. Users can make a map showing stakeholders which races are targeted; an organizer can track which precincts they've sent people to canvass, and when the data has been entered; and the campaign manager can define which districts each organizer should be in charge of. Dynamically colorizing maps requires vector tiles. I'll demo the system, talk about some of the technical challenges we faced and show how we surmounted them.
2:00 PM - Afternoon workshops
Time to get your hands dirty. All of the following workshops will run at the same time, so plan on sticking with one. We suggest bringing your own laptop but we can partner up if you are unable to bring one.
Rafa Gutierrez
Manny Lopez
Introduction to Mapbox Studio
Mapbox Studio allows you to style your own data ready to be served as map tiles for the web and mobile platforms. This introduction will go through an overview of Mapbox tools, how to upload your own data, style it, and visualize it. Great for beginners and experts alike!
Helpful Cugosians
Seth and Nick will bring along the POSM tooling they gave a talk about for us to explore and break.
5-7pm - Social at Big Time Brewery
Rinse down all of the hard learning with a casual social at a local favorite in the University District. Check out for a peak at their selection of food and drinks.
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