Board Meeting - 11 Jan 2017

Attendees: Sam Matthews, Ryan Small, Debbie Bull, Andrew Powers
Location: Cafe Allegro
Time: 6pm

Order of events:

  1. Determine roles
  2. Discuss role of the board
  3. Meetings
  4. Spring fling


  • President (Andrew Powers): calls meetings together
  • VP (Debbie Bull): calls meetings together if the President isn’t available
  • Secretary (Sam Matthews): keep meeting notes in a public place
  • Treasurer (Ryan Small): does the money

Role of the board

Lots of people do work to keep CUGOS running. How can we run the group more effectively, get people engaged/involved so not all of the planning falls on one/two/three people? Good to have a rotating board to make this mindset more apparent.

The goal of the board is to grow the CUGOS membership and help those members become more invested in the organization through volunteer opportunities.


  • Facilitator per meeting?
  • Can we appoint people to find talks for specific meetings?
  • Projector: Ryan Small is going to look into this - try and get something purchased soon. Something with HDMI on the projector.

Upcoming meeting

Debbie will go over the meeting notes from this meeting! At the end of the meeting let’s discuss the available spring fling committees and gauge interest.

Board meetings

We’ll do another meeting in between Jan & February meetings. Otherwise we’ll stick to once a quarter.

Spring fling

Started planning around this time. Let’s get some overall ideas down now.

  • Volunteers: Let’s get folks who are interested at the next meeting. Let’s get the committees nailed down.
  • Location: Need to decide location. Do we want to persue a different space? What’s involved? How about looking at an auditorium (better projector) and some breakout rooms. If it’s not at UW, we’ll likely have to pay. Possibly Seattle U - let’s reach out to Clifford for contact to see pricing.
  • Time: potentially move to a weekend? Let’s keep this in mind as we look at availability for locations. Let’s stick with a single day.
  • Afternoon sessions: let’s work on improving these this year. Last year we were a bit disorganized in the afternoon, with people burning out.
  • Post Springfling die-off: can we appoint a couple people to work on the meeting after the fling? How about making that a volunteer opportunity at the spring fling - focusing on the next meetings and generating new talks?

Next tasks

  • Andrew to get Debbie committee information from last year’s Spring Fling
  • Andrew to write an email to Matt & Monica about spaces for the Spring Fling
  • Ryan to start researching projector - starting within the $500 - $800 range, HDMI, 1080p, brighter
  • Ryan to get in touch with Aaron about transferring accounts to Treasurer
  • Debbie speaking at next meeting
  • Sam to add slack notes to website for people to join - talk about at the meeting
  • Sam to post these notes online, and create a spot for future notes


  • Ryan Small makes motion to appoint Sam Matthews to Secretary. Andrew Powers seconded. Passes unanimously.
  • Andrew Powers makes motion to appoint Ryan Small as Treasurer. Debbie Bull seconded. Passes unanimously.
  • Sam Matthews makes motion to appoint Debbie Bull as Vice President. Debbie Bull seconded. Passes unanimously.
  • Debbie Bull makes motion to appoint Andrew Powers as President. Ryan Small Seconded. Passes unanimously.

Code of Conduct

CUGOS strives to be an inclusive community for anyone interested in open source geography. Before attending our meetings, please familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct.


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